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Gramática inglesa – adjetivos interesantes

August 15, 2020

Se limita tu conversación en inglés al vocabulario más aburrido del idioma?

“Yes, it’s really nice”

Terrible weather!
– Yes, it’s really bad!
Great game! – Yeah, fantastic!
– Did you like it? – Yes, it was really nice. (bo-o-oring!)

¿Quieres ser más interesante cuando hablas inglés?

¿Quieres preparar el First Certificate para demostrar todo el vocabulario que sabes?

Entonces nuestro blog de hoy te va a venir muy bien. Vamos con vocabulario en inglés interesante/fascinante/increíble…

¿Te gustaría experimentar con algunos adjetivos más interesantes? Vamos a practicar:

Práctica 1
¿Tienen un significado positivo o negativo estos adjetivos? Intenta clasificarlos entre GOOD y BAD:

  1. appalling
  2. atrocious
  3. breathtaking
  4. charming
  5. delicious
  6. delightful
  7. diabolical
  8. dire
  9. dreadful
  10. exquisite
  11. glorious
  12. horrendous
  13. magnificent
  14. masterful
  15. outstanding
  16. stunning
  17. superb

Here are the answers:


  1. breathtaking
  2. charming
  3. delicious
  4. delightful
  5. exquisite
  6. glorious
  7. magnificent
  8. outstanding
  9. stunning
  10. superb
  11. masterful


  1. appalling
  2. atrocious
  3. diabolical
  4. dire
  5. dreadful
  6. horrendous

Práctica 2

Reemplaza los adjetivos aburridos por otros más interesantes:

  1. San Francisco is a really nice place to live.
  2. Everyone agrees that Lisandro is a fantastic student.
  3. He gave a really good presentation if you ask me.
  4. I had a terrible dream last night. I dreamt I was an English teacher.
  5. I know a really good restaurant in Bilbao.
  6. It’s great weather! Shall we go for a walk?
  7. I’ve just received some terrible news. We have to work on Saturday!
  8. Ken Follett is a really good writer.
  9. Rebecca’s a really nice person once you get to know her.
  10. The bride looked beautiful.
  11. The ashtray smelled very bad.
  12. I had a really bad trip. We got lost in Santiago!
  13. The views from the balcony are fantastic.
  14. We had a really nice meeting.
  15. The decoration was very pretty.
  16. The sound was really bad. I could hardly hear a thing.
  17. You ate Peter’s cake? That’s a terrible thing to do!
  18. You should try Manolo’s. They do great tapas.

¿Cómo usar el vocabulario en una frase? Nuestras sugerencias: recuerda que no hay respuestas incorrectas si has pensado en un adjectivogood obad según la intención de la frase.

Aquí tienes unas respuestas sugeridas:

  1. a charming place to live
  2. a superb student
  3. a masterful presentation
  4. a horrendous dream
  5. an exquisite restaurant
  6. glorious weather
  7. dreadful news
  8. a magnificent writer
  9. a delightful person
  10. the bride was stunning
  11. it smelled dire
  12. an atrocious trip
  13. the views are breathtaking
  14. an outstanding meeting
  15. the decoration was exquisite.
  16. The sound was appalling.
  17. a diabolical thing to do
  18. delicious tapas

Y para terminar… se usa mucho, muchísimo, el adjetivo awesome. Significa muy bueno, pero se usa tanto que se ha devaluado y ahora la gente la usa para decir simplemente “ok“.