Se limita tu conversación en inglés al vocabulario más aburrido del idioma?
“Yes, it’s really nice”
– Terrible weather! – Yes, it’s really bad! (boring!) | – Great game! – Yeah, fantastic! (bo-oring!) | – Did you like it? – Yes, it was really nice. (bo-o-oring!) |
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¿Quieres preparar el First Certificate para demostrar todo el vocabulario que sabes?
Entonces nuestro blog de hoy te va a venir muy bien. Vamos con vocabulario en inglés interesante/fascinante/increíble…
¿Te gustaría experimentar con algunos adjetivos más interesantes? Vamos a practicar:
Práctica 1
¿Tienen un significado positivo o negativo estos adjetivos? Intenta clasificarlos entre GOOD y BAD:
- appalling
- atrocious
- breathtaking
- charming
- delicious
- delightful
- diabolical
- dire
- dreadful
- exquisite
- glorious
- horrendous
- magnificent
- masterful
- outstanding
- stunning
- superb
Here are the answers:
- breathtaking
- charming
- delicious
- delightful
- exquisite
- glorious
- magnificent
- outstanding
- stunning
- superb
- masterful
- appalling
- atrocious
- diabolical
- dire
- dreadful
- horrendous
Práctica 2
Reemplaza los adjetivos aburridos por otros más interesantes:
- San Francisco is a really nice place to live.
- Everyone agrees that Lisandro is a fantastic student.
- He gave a really good presentation if you ask me.
- I had a terrible dream last night. I dreamt I was an English teacher.
- I know a really good restaurant in Bilbao.
- It’s great weather! Shall we go for a walk?
- I’ve just received some terrible news. We have to work on Saturday!
- Ken Follett is a really good writer.
- Rebecca’s a really nice person once you get to know her.
- The bride looked beautiful.
- The ashtray smelled very bad.
- I had a really bad trip. We got lost in Santiago!
- The views from the balcony are fantastic.
- We had a really nice meeting.
- The decoration was very pretty.
- The sound was really bad. I could hardly hear a thing.
- You ate Peter’s cake? That’s a terrible thing to do!
- You should try Manolo’s. They do great tapas.
¿Cómo usar el vocabulario en una frase? Nuestras sugerencias: recuerda que no hay respuestas incorrectas si has pensado en un adjectivogood obad según la intención de la frase.
Aquí tienes unas respuestas sugeridas:
- a charming place to live
- a superb student
- a masterful presentation
- a horrendous dream
- an exquisite restaurant
- glorious weather
- dreadful news
- a magnificent writer
- a delightful person
- the bride was stunning
- it smelled dire
- an atrocious trip
- the views are breathtaking
- an outstanding meeting
- the decoration was exquisite.
- The sound was appalling.
- a diabolical thing to do
- delicious tapas
Y para terminar… se usa mucho, muchísimo, el adjetivo awesome. Significa muy bueno, pero se usa tanto que se ha devaluado y ahora la gente la usa para decir simplemente “ok“.